Storage Ideas For Your Medical Practice's Reception Desks

Your medical practice's reception desk handles more than just checking patients in and out for appointments. Your staff uses this area to field calls from patients, filer paperwork, and even handle billing issues. This means you need plenty of storage space behind the desk area. Here are a few storage ideas you can use to make sure your staff has access to all of the equipment and paperwork needed every day.

What Technological Advances Can Make Your Commercial Building Ultra-Efficient?

Whether you're constructing your next building from scratch or are just looking for some ways to cut the overhead costs of your current setup, you may be eyeing some of the most modern construction efficiency trends with interest. Although some technological advances may be tough to incorporate into an existing structure, others can easily be adapted to fit just about any commercial building. Read on to learn more about several ways you can make your own building more energy-efficient.

Three Tips For HVLP Spray Guns

An HVLP spray gun can dramatically improve your ability to rapidly complete painting projects for your clients. However, there are important care tips that you will need to follow if you are to prevent these spray guns from suffering from failures and problems. Clean The HVLP Spray Gun After Each Use One of the most important things that you should do to avoid problems with these spray guns is to thoroughly clean them after each time you use them.

5 Ways To Add Curb Appeal By Sprucing Up Your Driveway

Your driveway is one of the biggest factors in the appearance of your yard. Improving it may be an easy and relatively inexpensive way to boost curb appeal in as little as a weekend. So, how can you make your driveway look like a million bucks? Here are 5 ideas to get you started: Add Curbing. A border gives the driveway a finished and harmonious look. It also helps reduce tracking and debris between the lawn and the concrete of the driveway.

Repair A Cement Wall Before Transforming Part Of Your Basement Into A Home Office

If you would like to turn part of your basement into a home office but have noticed that moisture accumulates on one of the foundation's interior cement walls whenever it rains, the wall may have a crack in the surface and could become larger if it is not patched. Before moving your desk, chair, and office equipment into the lowest floor in your home, inspect, repair, and seal the basement walls by following the guidelines below.